2011年6月12日 星期日

《美麗沉睡者》 評論by.Jorge Pinto

攝影/Fredrick Liu
文/Jorge Pinto 平臨泰 / pintobooks 主持人    
 (古今東西文化有限公司共同創辦人Co-founder of Old & New / East & West Cultural Co., Ltd.)

I enjoyed very much La Belle Dormeuse. It is an innovative play that uses an assortment of different media and technics to get the public engaged and to relate to a fast moving set of stories. 

Seating arrangements also makes the public part of the stage by seating/lying in a matrass that make it easy to move and change positions as sleeping and dreaming like in some parts of the play.

I find the acting to be very professional and challenging taking into account the dual language dialogues. The digital effects work well complementing seemingly live acting. The choice of gray colors in the background make the stage soothing with a good lighting environment. The selection of music fits well with the colors, videos and also supports different scenes and dialogues helping the play to keep a rhythm. Great “mise-en scene” 

I find the dialogues, showing the pain of disconnection among couples. The sound of ringing phones displays the pain of a caller expecting to have an answer. 

The theme of love is the core of the story. Sleeping beauty is a love story, but in the play it show the dark side of unfulfilled love. No happy ending. 

The play portrayed the incapacity to feel and express love beyond sex, which by nature is a short-lived experience. Without love, sex can be like drugs or alcohol a high that can last the moment and usually short period of time that can only be prolonged by infatuation and physical distance, not love, then solitude and loneliness follow and that is probably one of the great diseases of our time that the play portrays so well.

I would have liked to see some of the positives sides of love, the romantic aspects of it. I know that is not so common and only few can relate to it. 

The play shows how much love is misunderstood. I think there is so much wisdom on the topic in Rilke’s letter number 7th to a “Letters to a Young Poet” since it has good insights including the following quote "For one human being to love another is perhaps the most difficult task of all, the epitome, the ultimate test."
這齣劇顯現出大家對愛的誤解有多深,我想里爾克「給青年詩人的信」一書中的第七封信對這個主題有許多深知卓見的智慧話語可與大家分享,包括下列這段話:「For one human being to love another is perhaps the most difficult task of all, the epitome, the ultimate test(要一個人去愛另一個人也許是所有任務中最艱難的一項,一項最具代表性的終極試驗)」。

In many ways the play implicitly confirms Rilke’s view on the complex topic that the play want to tackle.

Congratulations to Chang Chia –Jung

